HOW TO BURN BELLY FAT in 90 DAYS! Exercise & Diet Plan
TO BURN BELLY FAT in 90 DAYS! Exercise
& Diet Plan
let's talk about the seven surprising things that you can do to
speed up your ability to burn fat now there are things that you know and
there's things that you may not know that you need to know so this video is
about giving you all the knowledge so you can really overcome the barrier of
not being able to not just achieve your weight loss but to get into and stay
into fat burning it's surprising to me how many people can't seem to get into
fat burning or even stay there long enough to see a really good change and
might as well
tell you some things to do to speed it up that you may have
never heard before okay so now what are we talking about we're talking about
transitioning from where you're at to an ideal situation most people are at a
situation where they're just running on blood sugars okay they're just running
on their stored sugar in their liver and up and down up and down with energy
and they're not tapping into the fat which that's where all the reserve of
energy is i mean an average thin person has
over a hundred thousand calories of stored fat in their body and
if you were able to tap into that all the time uh boy your energy would be very
very nice and consistent so we're going to talk about how to be fat adapted and
we're not just talking about three days of getting your body to start to burn
ketones okay that's different than being in full fat adaptation and
unfortunately it does take some more time it takes anywhere between one to
three months to fully get there but i'm going to give you some important things
speed it up that actually might be very surprising to you but
before we begin i think it's important to understand how do we know we are fat
adapted okay so there are several factors that you need to look at number one
you're able to go longer without eating you're not getting so hungry anymore
your appetite is disappearing okay that's number one number two you no longer
have cravings to carbs which is going to make it very easy to stick to the
program if you don't have cravings i mean if you have
cravings uh i don't know how anyone can stick to any any plan um
it's their their life's gonna be miserable uh and the temptation is gonna throw
them off and the third factor is i already mentioned this energy your energy is
not gonna come up and down up and down it's going to be very very stable and
consistent and you're going to have more energy why because you're burning fat
calories and a fat calorie has more than double the amount of energy than
protein or carbohydrates so when you tap into fat
you're actually releasing more energy in your body is more
efficient what you have to realize is your body was designed to burn fat not
rely on glucose 24 7 despite what certain people tell you about the brain needs
glucose etc any glucose that your body needs can be easily produced by your
body it's called gluconeogenesis and that word gluconeogenesis means the new
creation of glucose from from other sources like protein like fat like ketones
so this glucose that your brain runs on which is only a portion of
it by the way doesn't have to come from consuming glucose all
right number four you're going to have enhanced mental activity in other words
you're going to be more focused you're going to be more concentrated you're
going to be more creative you're going to be able to get more stuff done i mean
even your ability to learn will be enhanced and number four is all about
cognitive function but i should add an additional part of that which is your
mood is going to be elevated being fat adapted
actually brings you up you're less depressed less anxiety and
you're genuinely feeling much much better mood wise all right number five
you're gonna have more endurance when you exercise your ability to generate
energy and maintain a certain level of exercise is going to be enhanced when
you are fat adapted if you're not fat adapted and you exercise guess what
you're going to run out of glucose really fast because we don't store a lot of
glucose and so when certain people exercise and they
hit this wall they start to get fatigued that's because they're
running out of glucose but if you've adapted to fat burning you can go longer
all right number six your sleep actually will be enhanced in fact the need for
sleep does go down not a lot but you'll find that you'll need a little less
sleep all right that's how we know we're in fat adaptation there's a lot of
different variables that affect your metabolism your ability to burn fat but
what i want to know right now and please put this in
the comments section is which one of the 15 factors do you feel
that is the hardest to change which one of these factors do you feel that you
can't do anything about that's what i want to know so let's go through the list
number one genetics okay your genes number two your age all right number three
your environment number four your food your diet number five your hormones
number six your muscles your muscle mass number seven exercise number eight
your stress level number nine your nutrition and number ten your sleep eleven
timing of when you eat and not eat twelve the drugs or
medication that you are on thirteen the chemicals and the food that you eat
fourteen your metabolic rate and 15 your health reserve how much extra health
or capacity of health you have now out of all of these 15 factors which one do
you feel is the most difficult for you to control all right now that you put
that in the comments section that is the area that you need to focus on and
guess what you have the ability to affect every single one of these items and
whichever one you can affect
is your weakness but some people will say well i can't affect my
genes well have you ever heard about something called epigenetics which is
above your genetics those are all the things environmentally that you can
control these involve stress level things that you can do to put yourself in
better environments epigenetics could involve your state of mind just changing
your attitude about certain things it could be about changing your stress level
it's definitely about changing your diet and so all these factors can greatly
you control your genes and leverage your genes towards improving
your survival now what about your age can you do anything about that well yes
there are things you can do there are things you can eat that can help extend
your life and decrease the risk of dying and look more youthful and be more
youthful on the inside versus all the other things that can accelerate the
aging process and then you have some people that just cannot change their
environment too well and so they're stuck between a rock and a hard place but
the more you can
control these factors the more that you're going to be able to
control your ability to not just burn fat but control your metabolism your
quality of life and your level of health so let's run on the list of things
that will help you get into fat burning okay more on a consistent basis so
number one exercise okay now you may already know that high intensity interval
training is the best exercise for fat burning stimulating growth hormone and
you may already know that sprinting is one of the best high intensity
interval training type exercises but of course for most people
if they have arthritis if they're getting older they probably shouldn't be
sprinting too much so they would have to do some other type of exercise that
involves the concept of high intensity short duration but what's more important
to know is that the benefit of that is not doing the exercise in fact during
the exercise you're stressing your body out the benefit is when you stop when
you recover okay and so when i was in practice i ran into
so many people who over trained and they didn't realize that
even for some people if they're older three times a week is over training i'll
give you an example one gentleman came in and he was exercising three days a
week and not burning any fat at all i lowered it to one day a week that's when
he started to finally burn fat another lady tried to work out every day at the
gym over a course of a year and i think she lost like one maybe two pounds at
the very most okay and all we did was help her sleep reduce exercise i
think it was it twice a week and that's when she started to burn
fat so what you might want to try is exercising less keep the exercise
intensity up and really have a good workout but only do it once or twice a week
that can make a huge difference the results are during the recovery but the
recovery is very important all right number two um taking some apple cider
vinegar before bed in a little bit of water so let's say you took a i don't
know four to six ounces of water you can do it like an hour before bed
and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar now why would that help
you lose weight because acetic acid in the apple cider vinegar is very
beneficial to decreasing your liver's ability to make sugar okay so it slows
down something called glyconeogenesis it helps lower your blood sugars and at
the heart of fat burning it's all about fixing insulin resistance and applied
vinegar can greatly help you i've had many people just add this small little
tip to their daily lifestyle and they started to burn fat so you might want to
try that all
right number three we all know that sleep is very very important
in fact a lot of the fat burning occurs when you're sleeping and you may have
already seen one of my videos when i recommend taking vitamin d3 10 000 iu's
with the k2 and b1 or nutritional yeast before bed because the vitamin d helps
reset the circadian waves and vitamin b1 helps the excessive thinking all the
time and you do that with the nutritional yeast but if you took that before bed
it would enhance your sleep and you may have seen my other video
on a breathing technique of slowing your breath down especially
when you're trying to sleep and even in general for stress reduction breathing
through your nose slowing the breath in can help you fall asleep pretty fast it
can also pull you out of a panic attack it can also help with anxiety and
reduce cortisol but there's another little tip i want to share with you about
sleeping that can help you the goal is to get a little bit more sleep if you're
trying to burn more fat and so you can try to get an extra half hour or an hour
of sleep but if you have the ability to take a nap during the
day and you can do that that can greatly increase your ability to burn fat so
even if it's a half hour go ahead and try that and you might be very surprised
that that is the thing that can greatly speed things up for you your sleep
doesn't necessarily always have to be together at one time frame sometimes you
if you don't sleep at night definitely take a nap all right number four stress
really really important topic because stress increases
cortisol cortisol increases insulin and insulin will stop you
from losing weight so you may already know that long walks in nature are very
very beneficial because it gets you out of your head and you just get space and
your stress level goes down and you may already know that nutritional yeast has
b1 and that can help especially nervous tension and anxiety and that can also
lower stress and you may also know if you've seen my other videos that being
outside getting exposure to sun or not even the peak sun but the sunrise or
the sunset or even being in front of a fireplace or a campfire
gives you a type of light called infrared which increases melatonin even during
the day which is a very powerful antioxidant which will then also help you
sleep at night it can also help lower your stress and you may have seen that
video if you haven't got to check that one out but that's not the tip the tip
is this doing physical work around the house around your yard well especially
around the yard is way more important than doing exercise
for lowering stress so if you have the opportunity to choose
between the two physical exercise or physical work physical work hands down is
better because of what it can do to kind of pull you out of this constant
problem solving that you have physical work is a great activity for shifting
your attention off the problems of life and onto something else like some
physical work that you're doing whether it's fixing something repairing
something cleaning something any of those items will help you all right number
staying very very consistent with your low carbs okay um every
week i do a live show and inevitably um people that have great success um
sometimes stall and a lot of times it boils down to this one thing they don't
realize that just a little bit of carb or going off the program too frequently
even if it's a little bit of something can be devastating to the results a
really good test called a1c could be done and the reason i like that test is
not necessarily to see your risk factors for diabetes it just shows you an
average of three
months of blood sugars because you can check your blood sugars
today and then tonight have a little carb and your blood sugars can be off and
then check it in two days and your blood sugars can show a good marker but a1c
will really reveal if you've been cheating or not being consistent because it
checks the average of three months including all those cheap days so being very
consistent and not giving in to even a little bit of carbs can greatly help you
and if you are giving in too frequently that could be the
reason why you're not burning fat all right number six this
relates to uh intermittent fasting okay this tip um can help you um in the
beginning of fasting i always recommend you consume more fat especially at the
end of the meal now are you going to lose more weight no because you're eating
a lot of fat and your body is going to have to metabolize that and burn that
for energy and burn less of your own fat reserve but the purpose of eating fat
in the beginning of this program is to help you fast longer to go longer
without eating because that's when a lot of the magic happens
not just with the reduction of calories not just with all the other benefits of
cognitive function and losing weight but with the benefit of correcting the
underlying root problem that you have which is insulin resistance so the longer
we fast the less stimulation of insulin that we have so the better the
receptors for insulin can be upgraded and work better and be more receptive and
the faster we're going to get into fat adaptation and the faster we can improve
metabolism so in the beginning of this program you add more fat
but as you start becoming more fat adapted and you have these improved
indicators like your you can go longer without eating you have no more cravings
more energy etc then you start to decrease your fat now i'm not talking about
going on a low fat diet i'm talking about not adding additional fat i'm talking
about not adding the mct oil not adding the big handful of nuts after the meal
talking about not adding the keto desserts like the big fat bombs because
what that's gonna do it's going to force your body to burn more
of your fat reserve which it's already doing and it's going to be easier
because your body is already adapted so in the beginning of the program do more
fat and towards the middle of the program when your fat adapted one to three
months then reduce your fat and then when you hit your goal weight you can add
more fat in there to maintain your weight but i never want you to go low fat
and i definitely never want you to go below 75 grams of fat per day all
right and number seven this is interesting i've noticed in
america at least when people go to europe and they don't reduce their calories
they eat more a lot of times i lose weight why is that because in certain
countries in europe especially there's there's more nutrient dense foods than
america okay and so nutrient dense foods can help improve your health and
actually help you lose weight i know a lot of europeans that come to america
that are not necessarily eating more calories but they're gaining more weight
in fact their bodies sometimes become destroyed so welcome to
america the land of the opposite of nutrient-dense foods we have foods that are
void of nutrition so when some people recommend you can do dirty keto i mean it
doesn't matter the quality just make sure you have those macros just realize
that that's not the best advice so consuming the healthy version of the
ketogenic diet and the definition of that is adding the quality the
nutrient-dense foods to your plan i think would be some good advice all
right so now that you have this additional information please in
the comment section make note so i can read this of what areas that you need to
focus on that you can see that this potentially could work for you and i think
a really important video if you have not seen it yet is this one on melatonin
check it out right now you
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