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What foods should be eaten to sharpen the brain on exam days?



What foods should be eaten to sharpen the brain on exam days?

What foods should be eaten to sharpen the brain on exam days?
 What foods should be eaten to sharpen the brain on exam days?


Students face difficulty in memorizing things while preparing for exams.

According to experts, students should take good care of their health during the exams so that they can give the exam well and get maximum marks.

In this regard, an article published on the website of Indian TV channel NDTV has suggested such healthy 'snacks' that students can eat to sharpen their brains.

Walnuts and seeds

Walnuts and seeds are rich in important nutrients like vitamin E and zinc, which boost brain health.

They are also high in protein, fiber, and healthy fats that provide long-lasting energy.


While eggs are great for breakfast, they are also good for the brain. Being rich in vitamin B6, folic acid, protein and vitamin B12, eggs have good effects on mental health.

Try to eat a whole egg during exams to get maximum benefits.

Food rich in protein

Eating protein-rich foods on exam days can have a very positive effect on the brain. The human body takes some time to absorb protein and then provide continuous energy.

That is why on the days of the exams one should eat a diet rich in cheese, gram, eggs and protein.

Tart fruit

Consuming citrus foods has good effects on mental health and improves the overall performance of the brain. Eating bitter fruit boosts immunity and avoids getting sick unnecessarily on exam days.

Dark chocolate

The cocoa found in dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants that improve brain health.

Research shows that cocoa increases the number of neurons and blood vessels in different parts of the brain, which improves memory and enables people to learn new things better.

Dark chocolate can also increase blood circulation in the brain.

Avoid caffeine, sugary foods, soft drinks, cooked foods and fried foods and drink plenty of water and get enough sleep on exam days.


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